ليست جديد بازي هاي E3 (تايييد شده و شايعه)
2011: Confirmed and Rumored Games
تاييد شده : Confirmed E3 Game List
A Game of Thrones: Genesis (Focus Home Interactive) [PC]
Ace Combat Assault Horizon (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Adventures of TinTin [DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360]
Aliens: Colonial Marines (Sega) [PC, PS3, X360]
Allan Wake 2 (Title might vary!)
Assassin's Creed Revelations (Ubisoft) [PC, PS3, X360]
Backbreaker Vengeance (505 Games) [X360]
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 5: Outatime (Telltale Games) [PC, PS3, iPad]
Bastion (Warner Bros) [PC ,X360 ]
Batman: Arkham City (Warner Bros) [PC, PS3, X360 ]
Battlefield 3 (DICE/EA) [PC, PS3, X360]
Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition Physical Warfare Pack) (DICE/EA) [PC, PS3, X360]
Battle VS Chess (SouthPeak Games) [DS,PC, PS3, PSP, Wii X360]
Ben 10: Galactic Racing (D3 Publisher) [3DS, DS, PS3, Wii, X360]
Bioshock: Infinite (2K Games/Irrational Games) [PC,PS3, X360]
Binary Domain (Sega) [PS3, X360]
Blacklight: Retribution (Perfect World Entertainment) [PC]
BloodRayne: Betrayal (Majesco) [PS3, X360]
Bodycount (Codemasters) [PS3, X360] PC?
BurgerTime World Tour (HD) (MonkeyPaw Games) [PS3, Wii, X360]
Call of Duty # (Sledgehammer/Activision) [PC, PS3, X360]
Call of Juarez: The Cartel [ PC , PS3 , X360 ]
Camping Mama: Outdoor Adventures (Majesco) [DS]
Cars 2 (Disney Interactive Studios) [DS, PC, PS3, Wii, X360]
Catherine (Atlus) [PS3,X360]
Combat Wings: The Great Battles of WWII (City Interactive) [PS3, Wii, X360]
Cooking Mama 4: Kitchen Magic (Majesco) [3DS]
Crusader Kings II (Paradox Interactive) [PC]
Cursed Crusade, The (Atlus) [PS3,X360,PC]
Darkness II, The (2k Games)[PC , PS3 , X360]
Dark Souls (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
DC Universe Online (Sony Online Entertainment) [PC, PS3]
Dead Island (Techland/Deep Silver) [PC, PS3, X360]
Defenders of Ardania (Most Wanted Entertainment MWE) [PC, PS3, X360, Ipad]
Devil May Cry (Ninja Theory/Capcom) [PS3, X360]
Devil's Third (THQ) [PS3, X360]
Dragon Nest (Nexon) [PC]
Driver: San Francisco (Ubisoft) [PC, PS3, X360, Wii)
Duke Nukem Forever (Gearbox - 2k Games) [PC,PS3, X360]
Dungeon Siege III (Square Enix) [PC, PS3, X360]
The Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (D3 Publisher) [PS3 , X360]
Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Bethesda) [PC, PS3, X360)
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (Ignition Entertainment) [PS3, X360]
End of Nations (Trio Worlds) [ PC ]
F1 2011 (Codemasters) [3DS , PC , PS3 , PSP2 , X360]
Face Racers: Photo Finish (Majesco) [3DS]
Find Ictus [PC]
Fifa Soccer 12 (Electronic Arts) [PC, PS3, X360]
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Square Enix) [PS3, X360]
Fortune Online [Web based game]
Forza Motorsport 4 (Microsoft) [X360]
Free Realms (Sony Online Entertainment) [PC, PS3]
From Dust [ PC , PS3 , X360 ]
Gears of War 3 (Regular, Epic and Limited Edition) (Microsoft) [X360]
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier [ DS , PC , PS3 , X360 ]
Gotham City Imposters (Warner Bros) [PS3, X360, PC]
Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters (Warner Bros) [ 3DS , DS , PS3 , Wii , X360 ]
Heroes of Ruin (Square Enix) [3DS]
Hidden, The (Majesco) [3DS]
High Flyer Death Defyer (Game Mechanic Studios) [Android, iPhone]
Hitman 5 Absolution (IO Interactive/Square-Enix) [PC, PS3, X360)
Hulk Hogan's Main Event (Majesco) [X360]
Inversion (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Jurassic Park: The Game [ PC , PS3 , X360 ]
King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame (Paradox Interactive) [PC]
Kingdoms (Crytek) [X360]
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Electronic Arts) [PC, PS3, X360]
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword [Wii]
Lego Pirates of the Caribean: The Video Game (Disney Interactive Studios) [3DS, DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360]
Lord of the Rings: War in the North (Warner Bros) [ PC , PS3 , X360 ]
Madden NFL 12 [PS3, PSP, Wii, X360](Electronic Arts)
Magicka (Paradox Interactive) [PC, X360]
Margaritaville Online (THQ) [Webgame]
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online (Gazillion) [PC]
Mass Effect 3 (Bioware/Electronic Arts) [PC, PS3, X360]
Max Payne 3 (Rockstar Games) [PC, PS3, X360]
Metro 2033 Last Light (THQ/4A Games) [PC, PS3, X360]
Michael Phelps: Push the Limit (505 Games) [X360]
Mind 'n Motion (Majesco) [X360]
MX vs. ATV Alive (THQ) [PS3, X360]
Nano Assault (Majesco) [3DS]
NBA 2K12 (2K Sports) [PS3, X360]
NCAA Football 12 (Electronic Arts) [PS3, X360]
Need for Speed: The Run (Electronic Arts)[3DS, PC, PS3, X360]
New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Testament of Sherlock [PC , PS3 , X360]
NHL 12 (Electronic Arts) [PS3]
Ninja Gaiden 3 (Tecmo) [PS3, X360]
Marvel Super Hero Squad Online [PC]
Of Orcs and Men [PC ,PS3 ,X360]
Pet Zombies in 3D (Majesco) [3DS]
Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension (Disney Interactive) [DS, Wii]
Prey 2 (Human Head Studios/Bethesda) [PC, PS3, X360]
Prime World (Nival Interactive) [Web based game, iPhone]
Project Gotham Racing 5 (Microsoft) [X360]
Prototype 2 (Activision) [PC, PS3, X360]
Puzzle Agent 2 (Telltale Games) [PC, PS3, iPad, iPhone]
RAGE (id Software/Bethesda) [PC, Mac, PS3, X360]
Raiderz (Perfect World Entertainment) [PC]
Ratchet and Clank: All 4 one (Sony) [PS3]
Rayman Origins: Episode 1 [ 3DS , PC , PS3 , Wii , X360 ]
Red Faction: Armageddon (Volition/THQ) [PC, PS3, X360]
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Capcom) [PS3, X360, PC]
Resistance 3 (Sony) [PS3]
Ridge Racer Unbounded (Namco Bandai) [PC, PS3, X360]
Rocksmith (Ubisoft)[PC, PS3, X360]
Rotastic (Focus Home Entertainment)[PC , PS3 , X360]
Rift (Trion Words) [ PC ]
Risen 2: Dark Waters (Deep Silver) [PC , PS3 , X360]
Rusty Hearts (Perfect World, Stairway Games) [PC]
Saints Row 3 (THQ) [PC, PS3, X360]
Scivelation [ PC , PS3 , X360 ]
Serious Sam 3: BFE (Devolver Digital) [PC , PS3 , X360]
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster (Warner Bros) [ X360 ]
Sherlock (Focus Home Interactive) [PC, PS3, X360]
Silent Hill: Downpour (Konami) [PS3, X360]
Soulcalibur V (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Take Shape (Majesco) [X360]
The Sims 3: Generations (Electronic Arts) (PC)
Trackmania 2: Canyon (Ubisoft) [PC]
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure [PS3 , Wii , X360]
Smith Rock [ PC , PS3 , X360 ]
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 (City Interactive) [PC, PS3, X360]
Soul Calibur V (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Spec Ops: The Line (Codemasters) [PC, PS3, X360]
Spider-Man: Edge of Time [PS3 , Wii , X360]
SSX (Electronic Arts)[PS3, X360]
Starhawk (Sony) [PS3]
Star Trek: Infinite Space (Focus Home Interactive) [Web based game]
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (Sony Online Entertainment) [PC]
Star Wars: The Old Republic (Electronic Arts) [PC]
Super Mario Bros 3DS (Nintendo/Nintendo EAD) [3DS]
Supremacy MMA (505 Games) [PS3, X360]
Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter (Paradox Interactive) [PC]
Tera [PC]
Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix) [PC, PS3, X360]
TrackMania2 Canyon [ PC ]
Twisted Metal (Sony) [PS3]
Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress [PC ,PS3 ,X360 ]
UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System (THQ) [PS3, Wii, X360]
UFC Undisputed 3 (THQ) [PS3, X360]
UDraw Studio (THQ) [PC, PS3, X360]
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Regular, Collection's Edition and Explorer Edition) (Sony) [PS3]
Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Sony) [PSP2] Vindictus (Nexon) [PC]
Wakfu (Square Enix) [PC]
Warhammer 40,000: Dark Millennium Online (THQ) [PC]
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (THQ) [PS3, X360]
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (THQ) [PC, PS3, X360]
White Knight Chronicles II (D3 Publisher) [PS3]
Wrecked (505 Games) [PS3, X360]
WWE '12 (THQ) [PS3, Wii, X360]
XCom (2k Games) [PC,X360]
X-Men: Destiny [DS ,PS3 ,Wii ,X360]
Zumba Fitness 2 (Majesco) [Wii] [align=LEFT]
شايعه : Rumored E3 Game List
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Agent (Rockstar North) [PS3](Highly likely, but still a rumor)
Animal Crossing 3DS (Nintendo) [3DS]
Armored Core V (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Backbreaker: Vengeance (505 Games) [X360]
Bungie's next game. (Which is rumored to be a MMO)
Bully 2. (Has been hinted for a while, will it show up at E3 after all the controversy?)
Captain America: Super Soldier (Sega) [PS3, X360, Wii, 3DS, DS]
Crytek UK project Timesplitters 4
Dance Central 2 (Microsoft) [X360]
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (Capcom) [PS3, X360, PC]
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Sony) [PS3, Xbox 360, PC]
Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (Konami) [DS] Dragon's Dogma (Capcom) [PS3,X360],
Far Cry 3 (Ubisoft) [PS3,X360, PC]
Grand Theft Auto 5 (Its brewing, but will it show up?)
Halo: ReEvolved (X360 remake of Halo 1)
Hideo Kojima Title? (Rumored to be ZoE 3? Maybe.)
Half-Life 3? (Well Valve? You did actually mention HL3 awhile ago after HL2 was released stating around 2011/2012 maybe.)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (Electronic Arts) [PS3, X360, Wii, DS, PC]
Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns (Natsume) [DS, 3DS]
I Am Alive (Ubisoft) (Rumored to be in development, hard to tell if it will be announced at E3)
Inversion (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Kid Icarus: Uprising (Nintendo) [3DS]
Kinect Sports 2 (Microsoft) [X360]
Kingdom Hearts 3 (Well its been years. Its likely to show up. I hope so.)
Insomniac project (Their new multiplatform IP.)
Manhunt 3. (Has been hinted for a while, will it show up at E3?)
Mario And Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (Sega) [Wii, 3DS]
Mario Kart 3DS (Nintendo) [3DS]
Metal Gear Solid: Rising (Konami [PS3, Xbox 360, PC]
Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D (Konami) [3DS]
Guerrilla Games (New IP.)
Resident Evil 6 (Capcom) [PC, PS3, X360]
Respawn studio's FPS project? (Likely aiming to kick CoD's ass.)
Ridge Racer Unbounded (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Sniper Elite 2 (505 Games) [PS3,X360)
Sonic Generations (Sega) [PS3, X360]
Spec Ops: The Line (2k Games) [PS3,X360,PC]
Starhawk (Lightbox Interactive) [PS3]
The Last Guardian (Sony) [PS3]
Tekken X Street Fighter (Namco Bandai) [PS3, X360]
Neverwinter (Cryptic) [PC, PS3, X360]
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny (Natsume) [PS3, Wii]
Walking Dead, The (Telltale Games) [PS3, Xbox 360, PC
امتیاز مطلب : 39
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 9
مجموع امتیاز : 9